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European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG) Guidelines:

The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) is a consortium of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes, and public health authorities in Europe that promotes hygiene in the food industry. The group was founded in 1989 and is based in Germany, but has members and activities throughout Europe. The mission of EHEDG is to promote hygienic design and engineering of equipment and facilities used in the food industry. The group provides guidelines, training, and certification programs to ensure that equipment and facilities are designed and built according to hygienic standards. EHEDG also conducts research and development activities to promote the advancement of hygienic engineering and design in the food industry. EHEDG has developed a set of guidelines and recommendations for hygienic engineering and design of food processing equipment and facilities, known as the EHEDG Guidelines. These guidelines cover a wide range of topics, including materials, design principles, and cleaning and sanitation procedures. EHEDG plays an important role in promoting hygiene and safety in the food industry in Europe. The group provides guidance and support to food manufacturers and equipment manufacturers to ensure that their products and facilities are designed and built according to hygienic standards, protecting public health and safety. The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) plays an important role in promoting hygiene and safety in the food industry in Europe. Some examples of how EHEDG is used in the food industry include: • Guidelines for Hygienic Design: EHEDG provides guidelines and recommendations for the hygienic design of food processing equipment and facilities. These guidelines cover a wide range of topics, including materials, design principles, and cleaning and sanitation procedures. Compliance with EHEDG guidelines can help ensure that food processing equipment and facilities are designed and built according to hygienic standards. • Training and Certification: EHEDG offers training and certification programs for food manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, and service providers. These programs are designed to improve knowledge and skills related to hygienic engineering and design in the food industry, and to provide recognition for compliance with EHEDG guidelines. • Research and Development: EHEDG conducts research and development activities to promote the advancement of hygienic engineering and design in the food industry. This includes the development of new technologies and practices that can help improve food safety and hygiene. Compliance with EHEDG guidelines and participation in EHEDG training and certification programs can help improve hygiene and safety in the food industry in Europe. By following EHEDG guidelines and best practices, food manufacturers and equipment manufacturers can reduce the risk of contamination and ensure the safety and quality of the food they produce. The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) is a consortium of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes, and public health authorities in Europe that promotes hygiene in the food industry. The process for applying for EHEDG certification is as follows: • Identify Relevant EHEDG Guidelines: Identify the EHEDG guidelines that apply to your food processing equipment or facility. EHEDG provides guidelines and recommendations for the hygienic design of food processing equipment and facilities, including materials, design principles, and cleaning and sanitation procedures. • Design and Build Equipment or Facility According to Guidelines: Design and build your food processing equipment or facility according to EHEDG guidelines. Compliance with these guidelines can help ensure that your equipment or facility meets hygienic standards and promotes food safety and quality. • Submit Application for Certification: Submit your application for EHEDG certification for your food processing equipment or facility. This may involve providing detailed technical specifications, design drawings, and other relevant documentation. • Inspection and Testing: EHEDG will conduct an inspection and testing of your food processing equipment or facility to ensure that it meets EHEDG guidelines and standards. This may involve on-site inspections and testing of equipment and facilities. • Receive EHEDG Certification: If your food processing equipment or facility meets EHEDG guidelines and standards, you will receive EHEDG certification. This certification is valid for a specific period and must be renewed periodically to maintain compliance with EHEDG guidelines and standards. By obtaining EHEDG certification, food manufacturers and equipment manufacturers can demonstrate that their products and facilities meet hygienic standards, promoting consumer confidence and protecting public health. The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Germany. EHEDG is the only authorized organization that provides certification for hygienic engineering and design of equipment and facilities in the food industry in Europe. EHEDG is a consortium of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes, and public health authorities in Europe that promotes hygiene in the food industry. The group provides guidelines, training, and certification programs to ensure that equipment and facilities are designed and built according to hygienic standards. EHEDG also conducts research and development activities to promote the advancement of hygienic engineering and design in the food industry. EHEDG certification is recognized throughout Europe and demonstrates compliance with EHEDG guidelines and standards for hygienic engineering and design of equipment and facilities used in the food industry. By obtaining EHEDG certification, food manufacturers and equipment manufacturers can demonstrate that their products and facilities meet hygienic standards, promoting consumer confidence and protecting public health.

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