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Good for Construction (GFC) Drawings

Good for Construction (GFC) drawings, also known as Construction Issue (CI) drawings or Issued for Construction (IFC) drawings, are a set of drawings that are considered final and approved for use in the construction phase of a project. They serve as a comprehensive reference for construction teams and contractors, providing detailed information on the design, dimensions, specifications, and materials to be used during construction.


GFC drawings are typically created based on the finalized design and engineering documents, including architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing drawings. These drawings are issued by the design team or the architect/engineer of record and are considered a crucial part of the construction documentation package.


The key characteristics of GFC drawings in detailed engineering and quality assurance include:

1.           Comprehensive and Detailed

2.           Accurate Dimensions and Specifications

3.           Integration of Disciplines

4.           Compliance with Codes and Standards

5.           Clarity and Legibility

6.           Markups and Revisions

7.           Coordination with Other Construction Documents


GFC drawings are crucial for construction teams as they serve as a guide during the construction phase. They help ensure that the project is executed accurately, in compliance with the design intent, and meets the necessary quality and safety standards. GFC drawings contribute to effective communication, coordination, and collaboration between the design team, contractors, and other stakeholders involved in the construction process.


The requirements of Good for Construction (GFC) drawings for detailed engineering and quality assurance may vary depending on the specific project and industry. However, there are some common requirements that are typically considered. Here are key aspects to consider when developing GFC drawings:

1.           Accuracy and Completeness

2.           Compliance with Design Intent

3.           Clear and Legible Presentation

4.           Integration of Disciplines

5.           Dimensional Accuracy

6.           Consistency schedules, and material lists.

7.           Revision Control

8.           Quality Assurance Compliance:

9.           Accessibility and Distribution

10.         Documentation of Revisions and Approvals


 professionals, construction teams, and quality assurance personnel, in the development and review of GFC drawings to ensure that all necessary requirements are captured and effectively documented. GFC drawings serve as a critical reference for construction activities and quality assurance processes, facilitating accurate and compliant project execution.


PMG can provide valuable support in the development and management of Good for Construction (GFC) drawings for detailed engineering and quality assurance. Here are several ways in which the PMG can contribute:

1.           Planning and Coordination

2.           Requirement Gathering and Documentation

3.           Quality Assurance Compliance

4.           Revision Control and Change Management.

5.           Integration with Project Execution

6.           Document Management and Distribution

7.           Communication and Collaboration

8.           Risk Management


By leveraging project management practices, PMG can ensure effective coordination, communication, and quality assurance in the development and use of GFC drawings. Their involvement helps maintain alignment between design intent and construction execution, mitigate risks, and support successful detailed engineering and quality assurance activities.



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