PMG Engineering | Build World-Class Food Factories | Newsletter | Tech-Knowledge December 2023 Issue 47

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Tech-Knowledge December 2023 Issue 47
Tech-Knowledge December 2023 Issue 47
Squash manufacturing in the food industry involves meticulous processes, from sourcing high-quality fruit varieties to precise harvesting. The extracted juice undergoes pasteurization, filtration, and blending before being sealed into bottles. Curd manufacturing begins by pasteurizing milk to eliminate harmful bacteria. Next, a starter culture of bacteria is added to the milk, initiating fermentation. As the bacteria consume lactose, they produce lactic acid, causing milk proteins to coagulate into curds. Read the complete article Inside Tech-knowledge: our Weekly Insight into Innovations Shaping the Food & Beverage Industry! #tech-knowledge #foodandbeverageindustry #engineering #pmg Vol .02-Issue .47-December 2023 TECH-KNOWLEDGE The Official PMG Engineering Newsletter FOOD & BEVERAGE INDUSTRY ENGINEERING & DESIGN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .02-Issue .47-December 2023 CONTENTS 1. WHITE PAPER A. Squash Manufacturing Process B. Curd Manufacturing Process 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ Latest Food Industry News Updates 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week 4. DID YOU KNOW? Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Knowledge 2-5 6-7 8 9-12 PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .02-Issue .47-December 2023 PROCESSING OF SQUASHES Introduction Processing: and fruits based, Among the various activities, which are termed vegetable agriculturally processing are the most important. Over recent years, consumers have shown an increasing interest in health and wellbeing, with many wanting food and drink products that are healthy and nutritious yet fit in with busy lifestyles. Fruit Squashes is one beverage that has seen a dramatic increase in summers. So let's find out what is it and how is it processed. in consumer demand, especially Definition of Squash: Squash is a non-alcoholic concentrated syrup that is usually fruit-flavoured and usually made from fruit juice, water, sugar, or a sugar substitute. Some traditional squashes may contain herbal extracts, most notably elderflower and ginger. Squash must be mixed with a certain amount of water before drinking. Citrus fruits (particularly orange, lime and lemon) or a blend of fruits and berries are commonly used as the base of Squash As per FSSAI specifications, the Squash should contain no less than 25 per cent fruit content in the finished product, and the total soluble solids content should not be less than 40° Brix. The acidity of the Squash should not be more than 3.5 per cent as anhydrous citric acid. 1.Selection of fruit: Ripe fruits are selected. Overripe and unripe fruits adversely affect the quality of the juice. 2.Washing: Dirt and spray residues of arsenic, lead etc., are removed by washing with water or using dilute hydrochloric (0.5%) followed by washing in water. (HCl) acid solution 3.Sorting and grading: Send the fruits to the grading and sorting table/machine to manually check the uniformity of ripened fruits. 4.Peeling/deseeding/destoning: As per the fruits selected, it is sent for peeling, de-seeding and de- stoning process (removal of seeds). 5.Cutting/slicing/crushing: Conduct the slicing operation of the peeled fruit using a slicer and send it to the crusher. 6.Pasteurization: Once the juice is extracted, it is sent for pasteurization at 80-95°C for 10-12 mins. 1.Three types of pasteurizer are generally used for juices plate pasteurizer, tubular pasteurizer and steam pasteurizer, and plate pasteurizer is the most prevalent. READ MORE.... PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .02-Issue .47-December 2023 PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER Plate Heat Exchanger working: commonly made of These plates are steel, aluminium alloy, titanium, nickel, or even graphite materials and are conductive the pathways between the two working fluids. Their corrugations increase surface area and create turbulence, both of which help enhance the heat transfer rate through the exchanger. thermally Rapid methods filtration can produce a clear 7.Clarification: as centrifugation(with a speed of 6000 to 6500 RPM. juice. A and continuous or a decanting centrifuge with automatic desludging to produce a clear or nearly clear juice is quite effective. Ultraclarifier can also be used. such 8.Syrup preparation: Simultaneously, sugar, water and acid is mixed and heated to dissolve to form a syrup. 9.Mixing: Syrup and clarified juice are mixed in a tank. Conclusion 10.Addition of preservative: Sodium benzoate or KMS is generally used.1.0gm/lit is used in case of Sodium benzoate. 11.Cooling: The product temperature. is cooled to room juice contains 12.Deaeration: Freshly extracted appreciable quantity of oxygen which may affect the quality of juice if not removed before packing 13.Bottling and capping: Aseptic processing and packaging is done which are defined as- when a commercially sterile product is packed into a pre- sterilized container in a sterile environment. is quite popular all over the world. Squash is a diluted fruit juice. Among all beverages, It Squash consists of strained juice containing moderate fruit pulp quantities (optional) to which sugar is added for sweetening. Acid is added to lower the pH, which arrests microorganisms responsible for spoilage of the product. The acid, in combination with sugar, also improves the taste of sugar. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is also used as a preservative to prevent non- enzymatic browning reaction. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .02-Issue .47-December 2023 CURD PROCESSING- AN INSIGHT Introduction Most common as well as traditional dairy based product, Curd, locally known as Dahi, is consumed widely all over the world. Curd falls under the category of fermented dairy product, produced from heat treated milk after inoculation with certain Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in the form of starter culture. Lactic acid bacteria multiply, grow and produce lactic acid, acetic acid, and carbon dioxide by utilizing available lactose in milk. Some bacteria use citric acid of milk to produce certain volatile organic compounds mainly diacetyl, which is mainly responsible for flavor of Dahi. Due its rich nutritional profile and high consumer demand, it is commercially produced to meet the market demands. A new revolution in the industrial manufacturing of Dahi is using Dahi as functional food. to Principle behind Curd Production Curd has live cultures and the lactose in the milk is converted to lactic acid by the action of starter cultures and the lactic acid act as preservative for the milk and the low pH (4.5- 5.0) also inhibit the growth of harmful micro-organism, thus increasing the shelf life of the product. cremoris, Lactococcus is manufactured using single or mixed Dahi cultures, Lactococcus diacetylactis, along with Leuconostoc species, Lactococcus lactis, a combination of acid and flavor producing bacteria. These bacteria are responsible for imparting firm body, sweetness, and a mild acidic flavor to the Dahi increasing its acceptability to the consumer. Process Flow chart of Curd: Curd Processing Steps PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol .02-Issue .47-December 2023 1.Reception of milk: Fresh, good quality milk is received and analyzed for SNF and fat%. 2.Pre-heating: Done at 30-40°C 3.Standardization: 2.5% to 3.0% fat and 10% solids not fat. 4.Preheating (Optional): It is an optional step to heat milk up to 60°C is subjected 5.Homogenization: Milk to high pressure pump forcing milk through extremely small orifice for even distribution of fat globules. Homogenization reduces the cream layer formation during incubation and single-stage Homogenizer, or double stage homogenizer can be used as per process requirement. 6.Pasteurization: Milk is heated to 85-90°C for 15- 30 minutes and temperature brough down to 3-4°C. 7.Pre-heating: Pasteurized milk is preheated to 40- 45°C and transferred to inoculation tank. is 8.Inoculation: Milk inoculated with 1-2% of specific curd starter culture at 37°C. The incubation tanks are insulated, to ensure that the temperature remains constant during the incubation period. The tanks can be fitted with pH meters to check the development of acidity (4.2 – 4.5) 10.Incubation: Cups are arranged in crates which are then transferred to hot room (37˚C) while the fermentation process proceeds. In case of set curd, incubation is done when the product is in its final retail container at 30-42°C for around 4-5 hours, while for stirred types of products it can be done within the inoculum/incubation tank and then packed in pouches. 11.Cooling: The pH of the milk in the cups should be regularly checked and when it reaches 4.4-4.5, these room with to temperature 3-4oC for proper setting crates are transferred 12.Storage: It is stored in the cold store below 6°C 9.Packaging: The inoculated milk is then packaged is generally in separate cups with packaged polypropylene, polystyrene packaging material and plastic cups. polyethylene, lids. Dahi in PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION FOOD INDUSTRY INDUSTRY BUZZ PMFME approved 76 incubation centres for Rs 205.95 cr, Parliament was informed. The Pradhan Mantri Formalization of Micro Food (PMFME) Scheme, which runs Processing Enterprises through December 2023, has authorized 76 Incubation Centers across 25 States and UTs with an investment of Rs. 205.95 crore, according to a statement made to Parliament by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI). Four of these 76 Incubation Centers have been put into service, according to MoFPI. The ministry added that 54,767 beneficiaries—individuals and businesses—have participated in capacity-building programs to date, including 526 Master Trainers, 1058 District Level Trainers, 1941 District Resource Persons, and 54,767 beneficiaries overall. Mumbai's HRAWI hosts the FSSAI's most recent FoSTaC program. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India's (FSSAI) most recent Food Safety Supervisor Training in Advance Catering (FoSTaC) session was hosted by the Hotel and Restaurant Association (Western India) - HRAWI on December 14 at the Pritam Da Dhaba in Mumbai. Thirty-nine hotel industry specialists attended the workshop to expand their knowledge and guarantee perfect safety standards in their facilities. The FSSAI's FoSTaC training programs aim to provide professionals with the fundamental information and abilities needed to guarantee safe and healthful food practices in their enterprises. This jointly inaugurated by Himanshu Chauhan, assistant secretary general of HRAWI, Dr Pasupathy from Parikshan, and Raosaheb Shinde, banquet manager of Pritam Da Dhaba. thought-provoking session was training PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION The centre instructs associations in the rice industry to guarantee lower retail prices. ICBA unveils the Women Alliance for Climate Action in agriculture. Sanjeev Chopra, secretary of the Department of Food and Public Distribution, called a meeting with top members of the rice processing business in New Delhi to discuss the domestic price scenario of non-basmati rice. Despite a good crop in Kharif, ample supplies with FCI in the pipeline, and many regulations on rice exports, it was discussed in the meeting that domestic rice prices are rising. The rice sector must ensure that attempts at profiteering are appropriately dealt with and that prices in the domestic market are lowered to optimal levels. It is concerning that the rice annual inflation rate, which has been 12% for the previous two years, is rising with time. On the Gender Day of COP28, the Women Alliance for Climate launched, Action according for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA). (WACAA) was officially International Center in Agriculture the to Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment, attended the official high-level event at the UAE Pavilion, Blue Zone, at Expo City Dubai, which was led by Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28 and chair of ICBA's board of directors. Acknowledging women's critical role in agriculture in poor nations, WACAA seeks to enhance and facilitate their participation in climate action within the industry. Kamble received recognition for his exceptional contributions to food safety with the FSSAI Award. The prestigious AFSTI-FSSAI Award 2023 has been given to Dr. Umesh Kamble of F2F Corporate Consultants Private Limited to appreciate his outstanding contributions to food safety. The award was given in recognition of Dr Kamble's exceptional achievements in raising food safety standards in India at the 9th International Food Congress (IFCoN) in Mysuru. Since joining FSSAI-FOSTAC as a nationwide training partner in 2018 and as an Advanced Manufacturing Trainer, Dr. Kamble has been the driving force behind successful food safety projects. Over 8,000 Food Safety Supervisors from various industries have been successfully certified by him and his team at F2F Corporate Consultants Private Limited through delivering more than 150 engaging in-person and virtual training sessions. The national food safety standards have greatly benefited from these workshops, which have improved food safety procedures and knowledge. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION WEEKS HIGHLIGHT N O N - T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 20 DECEMBER INTERNATIONAL HUMAN SOLIDARITY DAY International Human Solidarity Day is annually held on December 20 to celebrate unity in diversity. It also aims to remind people on the importance of solidarity in working towards eradicating poverty. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION R E B M E C E D PMG DID YOU KNOW? T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/3 2/3 Fact 1 Muesli, a versatile and nutritious breakfast option, combines rolled oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits to create a wholesome and satisfying meal. Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, muesli promotes heart health, aids digestion, and provides sustained energy throughout the day. Its customizable nature allows their breakfast experience, making it a delicious and convenient choice for those seeking a balanced and nourishing start to their mornings. individuals tailor to R E B M E C E D 3/3 PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/3 2/3 Fact 2 Grains, essential staples in global diets, encompass diverse cereals like rice, wheat, and oats, serving as primary sources of energy, fiber, and vital nutrients. Their cultivation, deeply rooted in agricultural history, sustains civilizations and fuels culinary traditions worldwide. From hearty whole grains to refined flours, grains play a pivotal role in promoting nutrition, supporting food security, and contributing to the rich tapestry of cultural gastronomy across the globe. 3/3 R E B M E C E D PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/3 2/3 Fact 3 Winding machines, specifically designed for the food industry, play a crucial role in the efficient production of conical shapes, such as ice cream cones. These specialized machines ensure precision and consistency in winding the paper or wafer material, resulting in uniform and high-quality cone production. With automated processes and customizable settings, these winding machines enhance productivity, reduce manual labor, and contribute to the overall efficiency of food manufacturing in the confectionery sector. 3/3 R E B M E C E D PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/3 2/3 Fact 4 in industry, specializing Meat separators are essential equipment in the food the efficient processing winnowing of meat from bones, ensuring optimal yield and quality. Employing advanced technology, these devices streamline production processes, enhancing overall efficiency while maintaining hygiene standards. With their precision and speed, meat separators contribute to cost-effective operations, making them indispensable tools facilities seeking to maximize productivity and deliver top-notch products to consumers. for meat processing 3/3 R E B M E C E D PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter Vol .02-Issue .47-December 2023 PMG ENGINEERING About PMG About PMG Delivering End-to-End Engineering Design & Construction Management in Food & Beverage Industry Meeting Global Benchmarks Process Engineering I Project Management I Mechanical I Electrical I Automation I Food Safety PEOPLE DELIVERING RESULTS Safe-by-choice. First Time Quality. Maximize Value. Objectivity. Ownership. Reliable and Trustworthy Business. MAKING CUSTOMERS THE INDUSTRY LEADERS ENGINEERING MUST CREATE BUSINESS VALUE MEET THE EXPECTATIONS OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS OPTIMAL ENGINEERING Website Link Click Here Follow Us on
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