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As-built Drawings

As-built drawings in refer to the final set of drawings that accurately depict the physical construction or installation of a project. These drawings capture any changes, modifications, or deviations made during the construction process from the original design or construction plans.


The requirements of as-built drawings for may include the following:

1.           Accuracy and Precision: As-built drawings need to be highly accurate and precise, reflecting the actual conditions and configurations of the completed project. They should incorporate any modifications or alterations made during construction.

2.           Comprehensive Documentation: The drawings should document all relevant components, systems, and structures of the project, including their dimensions, positions, and relationships. This ensures that the as-built drawings provide a complete representation of the constructed project.

3.           Alignment with Codes and Standards: As-built drawings should conform to applicable codes, regulations, and industry standards. They should reflect any necessary adjustments or changes made to comply with the required specifications and guidelines.

4.           Clarity and Readability: The drawings should be clear and easily understandable to stakeholders, including future maintenance teams or facility managers. They should use appropriate symbols, labels, and scales to ensure readability.

5.           Integration with Existing Infrastructure: If the turnkey project involves integrating new construction with existing infrastructure or systems, the as-built drawings should accurately depict the connections, interfaces, and interactions between the new and existing elements.

6.           Timeliness: As-built drawings should be created and updated in a timely manner, ensuring that they reflect the current status of the project. Delays in providing accurate as-built drawings can hinder maintenance, operations, and future modifications.


Project management groups can assist in the creation and management of as-built drawings for in the following ways:

1.           Coordination with Contractors and Subcontractors: Project management groups can collaborate with the construction team, contractors, and subcontractors to ensure that accurate as-built information is captured and shared.

2.           Documentation Control: They can establish and maintain a structured documentation control system to track revisions, updates, and changes to the as-built drawings. This ensures that the latest version is readily accessible to stakeholders.

3.           Quality Assurance: Project management groups can implement quality control measures to verify the accuracy and completeness of the as-built drawings. This includes conducting inspections and audits to ensure that the drawings align with the actual project conditions.

4.           Communication and Collaboration: They can facilitate communication and collaboration between different stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and clients, to gather and incorporate relevant information into the as-built drawings.

5.           Handover Process: Project management groups can ensure a smooth handover process by overseeing the transfer of accurate as-built drawings to the client or facility management team. This facilitates future maintenance, repairs, and renovations.


By actively managing the creation and maintenance of as-built drawings, project management groups contribute to the successful completion and long-term viability of turnkey projects.




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