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Barley, malt and corn coffee
Barley, malt and corn coffee


Barley/malt/corn coffee is a type of coffee substitute made from roasted grains, usually barley, malt, or corn. These grains are roasted and ground to produce a beverage that resembles coffee in taste and appearance but does not contain any caffeine.

Barley/malt/corn coffee has been used as a substitute for coffee for centuries, particularly in times or places where coffee was unavailable or too expensive. It is a popular beverage among people who are sensitive to caffeine, as well as those who want to reduce their caffeine intake.


Barley/malt/corn coffee is typically brewed by adding hot water to the roasted and ground grains and allowing the mixture to steep for several minutes. Some brands of barley/malt/corn coffee also come in instant form, which can be prepared quickly by adding hot water to a spoonful of instant coffee.


Barley/malt/corn coffee is a good option for people who are looking for a caffeine-free alternative to coffee or who simply enjoy the taste of roasted grains.


The market scope for barley/malt/corn coffee has been growing in recent years, as more consumers look for alternative coffee beverages that are caffeine-free or lower in caffeine. This trend has been driven by a growing awareness of the health risks associated with high caffeine consumption, as well as by consumers who are looking for more sustainable and environmentally-friendly beverage options.


The market for barley/malt/corn coffee is not as large as the traditional coffee market, but it is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. In addition to being used as a coffee substitute, barley/malt/corn coffee is also used as a flavouring ingredient in baked goods, beer, and other food products, which further expands its market scope.


Several companies have already established themselves in the barley/malt/corn coffee market, and many new entrants are entering the market to meet the growing demand. The market for barley/malt/corn coffee is still relatively niche, but it has a lot of potential for growth as more consumers become aware of the benefits of this beverage.

There are several major players in the market for barley/malt/corn coffee, as well as many smaller players and new entrants. Some of the major players in the market include:

1.           Inka

2.           Cafix

3.           Barley Cup

4.           Camp Coffee

5.           Natur Boutique

6.           Four Sigma Foods

7.           Mount Hagen


These companies are some of the major players in the market, but there are also many other smaller players and new entrants that are entering the market to meet the growing demand for barley/malt/corn coffee.



Commercial production of barley/malt/corn coffee involves several steps, including sourcing the raw materials, roasting and grinding the grains, and packaging the final product. Here is a general overview of the production process:

1.           Sourcing the raw materials - The first step in the production process is to source the raw materials, which are typically barley, malt, or corn. The grains may be sourced from local farms or international suppliers, depending on availability and quality.

2.           Roasting the grains - Once the raw materials are sourced, they are roasted to give them their characteristic flavour and aroma. The roasting process can vary depending on the desired flavour profile and the type of grain being used.

3.           Grinding the grains - After the grains are roasted, they are ground into a fine powder. The grind size can vary depending on the desired brewing method but is generally like the grind size used for regular coffee.

4.           Blending and packaging - The ground grains may be blended with other ingredients, such as chicory or sugar, to enhance the flavour profile. The final product is then packaged in airtight containers, such as jars or pouches, for distribution to retailers or consumers.


Commercial production of barley/malt/corn coffee can be done on a large scale using industrial equipment, or on a smaller scale using artisanal methods. Some producers also offer organic or fair-trade options to appeal to consumers who are looking for sustainable and ethical products.


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