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Milk Tanker and Its Unloading
Milk Tanker and Its Unloading
A milk tanker is a specialized vehicle designed for transporting bulk quantities of milk from dairy farms to processing facilities. Milk tankers are typically made of stainless steel and insulated to maintain the quality of the milk during transportation. The size of the tanker can vary, but they can typically carry between 5,000 to 8,000 gallons of milk.
PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | Milk Tankers and It’s Unloading Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 1 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | Agenda 1. Milk Tanker 2. General Specification 3. ISI Standards 4. Trucks and Trailers 5. Construction 6. Accessories 7. Milk Tanker Unloading 8. Conclusion Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 2 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 1. Milk Tankers • Milk may be received at the dairy plants for processing either in cans direct from producers or in tankers from a milk chilling centres. • Handling the milk in cans is slow and laborious when the larger quantities are to be handled. • Road truck/ trailers or rail tankers are convenient options in such cases. Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 3 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 2. General Specifications •Capacity: 500 to 12000 litres. •The size and the type depend upon: • Amount of milk to be transported • Road condition • Comparative cost Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 4 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 3. ISI Standards • GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The tanks shall consist of the inner vessel, insulation outer casing, fittings and mountings, and supports for mounting the tank on the truck chassis or semi- trailer. • CAPACITY • The nominal brimful capacity of rigid truck chassis-mounted tanks shall be 8 000 to 8500 liter, depending on the use of single compartment, double compartment and triple compartment. • The nominal brimful capacity of the semi-trailer mounted tanks shall be 12 500 to 13 000 liters depending on the use of single compartment, double compartment and triple compartment. • SHAPE • Inner vessel and outer casing shall be of horizontal cylindrical, elliptical shape with dished or conical ends. • The mountings should be such that each compartment shall have a, positive slope towards its outlet for ensuring complete drainage of the contents from the compartment. Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 5 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 6. Trucks and Trailers Truck Trailer Easy to travel in tighter places Suitable for long distances and wide roads. Carry less Pull more. Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 6 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 5. Construction Inner shell- Stainless Steel (18% chromium, 8% Nickel) The milk tankers generally have similar type of construction, with some modifications. Material of construction: • • Smooth welding • Polished surface • Rounded corners & edges • • Outer jacket—ordinary carbon steel, Aluminum, S.S. Insulation- cork, plastic, foam, mineral wool. Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 7 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 6. Accessories • Manhole, air vent and cover assembly required for inspection • Sanitary cover is having sanitary rubber gasket and locking device. • Air vent → to “breath” → prevent pressure and vacuum during loading or unloading. • Outlet valve with covered cabinet which can be sealed properly. • Ladder- to climb on tank for cleaning or inspection • Hoses - Rubber or translucent Plastic, Puncture & collapse resistant, sanitary cap/Plug at dead end Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 8 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 7. Milk Tanker Unloading • Raw milk received in road milk tankers (RMT) • Weighment of RMT at Weigh Bridge after entering all particulars of dispatch challan (DC). • After weighment, RMT arrive at receipt dock. • Milk sampling done by Quality Control Personnel and if found unsatisfactory with respective quality parameter tanker will be returned to union or chilling center. • Unloading of milk from Tanker is done. • Chilling of milk is carried out below 4°C. • Storage of milk in raw milk storage tanks Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 9 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | 8. Conclusion • Milk Tankers have changed the phase of dairy industry. • Now, • The economical advantage it has added to the whole dairy industry across the globe is huge with of refrigerated(BMC) the quality and safety parameters of dairy improved tremendously. spoilage and wasted products tankers, advent • The have has the decreased. • Tankers and BMCs are the life savers of dairy industry Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 10 PMG Engineering Private Limited The End-to-End Engineering Company in Food Industry | About PMG Engineering Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. Competent People. Smarter Work Systems. Exceptional Customer Interactions. 11 We deliver End-to-End Engineering Design and Construction Management Projects in Food and Beverage Industry. Meeting Global Benchmarks In ENGINEERING DESIGN and PROJECT MANAGEMENT for FOOD and BEVERAGE Industry with SINGLE POINT ACCOUNTABILITY Process Engineering | Project Management | Mechanical | Electrical | Automation | Food Safety Key Clients We deliver End-to-End Engineering Design and Construction Management Projects in Food and Beverage Industry. Meeting Global Benchmarks In ENGINEERING DESIGN and PROJECT MANAGEMENT for FOOD and BEVERAGE Industry with SINGLE POINT ACCOUNTABILITY Process Engineering | Project Management | Mechanical | Electrical | Automation | Food Safety Key Clients We deliver End-to-End Engineering Design and Construction Management Projects in Food and Beverage Industry. Meeting Global Benchmarks In ENGINEERING DESIGN and PROJECT MANAGEMENT for FOOD and BEVERAGE Industry with SINGLE POINT ACCOUNTABILITY Process Engineering | Project Management | Mechanical | Electrical | Automation | Food Safety Key Clients
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