PMG Engineering | Build World-Class Food Factories | Newsletter | Tech-Knowledge August 2024 Issue 31

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Tech-Knowledge August 2024 Issue 31
Tech-Knowledge August 2024 Issue 31
A shelf life study of spices evaluates their stability over time, focusing on changes in flavor, color, aroma, and microbial safety. The study helps determine the optimal storage conditions and duration to ensure product quality and safety. Protein functionalization involves modifying proteins to enhance or alter their functional properties, such as solubility, emulsification, and binding capacity. These modifications are used to improve the performance of proteins in various applications, including food, pharmaceuticals, and industrial products. Tech-knowledge: Stay informed with our latest updates! Check out our newest newsletter for insights, industry trends, and exciting news. Don't miss out—read it now! Vol.05-Issue.31-August 2024 TECH-KNOWLEDGE The Official PMG Engineering Newsletter FOOD & BEVERAGE INDUSTRY ENGINEERING & DESIGN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION B U I L D W O R L D C L A S S F O O D F A C T O R I E S PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol.05-Issue.31-August 2024 CONTENTS 1. WHITE PAPER 1. WHITE PAPER A. Electrical panel A. Shelf life study of spices B. Frozen Dessert B. Protein Functionalization 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ Latest Food Industry News Updates Latest Food Industry News Updates 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week 4. DID YOU KNOW? 4. DID YOU KNOW? Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Knowledge Knowledge 2-5 6-7 8 9-12 PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol.05-Issue.31-August 2024 Shelf life study of spices Introduction Spices are seed,fruit ,bark or leaves that are used for colouring and for flavouring purposes. Spices are available in the form of Raw,whole&pre-ground forms.Spices are used according to convenience purpose. Some spices are used for rituals & medicinal purpose .From the olden times people have been noticed to that spices help to boost immunity have health benefits In reducing such as inflammatory,cancer and cardio vascular diseases etc. Due to good health benefits the spices are sold expensive. The population has increased drastically and ofcourse it resulted in increasing consumption , production & storage of spices. . And they Why shelf-life is importance? Shelf life study of products varies on the type of the food product .During the shelf life span,the food .The manufacturing date and expiry date is mentioned on every packaged product . product remain should safe Based on that the consumer will decide .If the food is spoiled before the expiry date ,it indicates that there is contaminatin during processing such kind of products are been recalled by company. Based on the shelf life of product the consumers use food product .Shelf life is important factor because it indicate safe consumption of the food product.Its not that after the expiry date the product is totally spoiled or make you sick ,the quality, the flavour and texture of the product starts deteriorating .These does not give the required mouthfeel that we expect . How to know spices went bad? On traditional sense ,spices doesn’t expire when stored properly but the flavour and aroma are decreased . To know the whole spices are good we can sense it by smelling or crushing the spices . If the flavour does not give the proper aromatic feel then it is time to replace the spices with fresh ones .And if the spices are kept in humid area there may be chances of early spoilage because due to moisture there will be mould growth that causes odd flavours. When spices are not kept properly they are attacked by insects and other organisms that causes decrease in shelf life and by making them unfit for consumption. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol.05-Issue.31-August 2024 Factors influencing shelf life of the spices. How to store spices for maximum shelflife? Intrinsic factors : Factors that are inborn within the food and can not be controlled. The intrinsic factors are moisture content, water activity, sugar content, pH, salt content, nutrient content, and oxidation potential. Extrinsic Factors : .The extrinsic factors are the factors that can be controlled or factors are Modified changed and packaging (MAP) Atmospheric Packaging materials, chemical preservatives, processing methods. temperature, time, Major issues/Defects in spices: The defects in spices are Defects in these products may be grouped as : Damaged due to insect infestation- The spices are contaminated by insects in the farm, while harvesting and during storage. The insect pests include, coleoptera, lepidopetra, hemipetra etc. The examples of insect infestation ranges from excreta, frass, evidence of surface feeding and webbing. contamination by animals-Bird droppings and other animals faeces are found. Mould development-The spices are attacked in the farm or while storage .Fungi easily attack the spices in linited moisture conditions. Contamination material- extraneous Contamination by stones,cigarette butts ,stones during processing and storage conditions. by The shelf life of the spices depend on the form of the product .For example the powdered or ground spices can be stored upto 1 year ,whereas the whole spices can be stored upto 3years. in Basic way to increase the shelf life of spices by minimizing the contact or exposure to sunlight, heat, moisture, air. These can minimize the spoilage. tightly sealed Spices should be packed containers & non porous containers .The best option to store in ceramic& glass containers because they prevent air & moisture that will increase shelf life of spices. is plastic Although container ,but they are not perfectly air tight ,and plastic containers are difficult to clean because they absorb colors & odor. Other viable options are tin and stainless steel . It is important that these containers are to be stored away from heat because they are heat conductive . the popular used item Legal requirements food it has a 60 percent shelf The major clause, in accordance with the new guidelines, states item will be that no life permitted unless remaining after customs clearance. The Food Safety and Standards (Import) Regulations, 2016, will take effect once they are published in the Official Gazette, according to the FSSAI. Food items with less than 60 percent of their shelf life left at the time of clearing will not be cleared from the customs area. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol.05-Issue.31-August 2024 Protein Functionalization PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION Introduction the body’s Proteins are the engines of a living cell. Within and around cells they perform a magnificently diverse set of functions. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the structure, function, and regulation of tissues and organs. Besides providing structure and stability, proteins are involved in cell signalling, catalysing reactions, storage & transport, and are therefore extensively studied. Over tools have become available for researchers to reveal structure and function relationships, as well as localization and their interactions with other proteins. the years, Selective Chemical Protein Modification systems, control over both for probing natural Chemical modification of proteins is an important tool creating therapeutic conjugates, and generating novel protein constructs. Site-selective reactions require exquisite and regioselectivity (regioselectivity occurs in chemical reactions where one reaction site is preferred over another), under ambient, aqueous conditions. There are now various methods for achieving selective modification of both natural and unnatural amino acids—each with merits and limitations. chemical Constrains of Protein Functionalization While many past examples of so-called ‘bioconjugation’ exist, those that teach a strong strategic lesson are rarer. The rigour of the chemical approach (including proper characterization) has been lacking—supplanted perhaps by a pragmatic desire for a useful product. In an era now hungry for precise molecular knowledge of protein function, historical examples of precise protein chemistry become vital. Strategies of Functionalization Regardless of the functionalization strategy, careful consideration must be paid to the reaction conditions for protein modification. Due to the fragility and massive size of most full-length proteins, the chemistries employed must occur under mild, aqueous conditions and proceed relatively rapidly on substrates at very low-molar concentrations. Owing to the diversity and arrangement of amino acid residues within each species, the protein targets display a diverse array of chemical functionalities with varying physicochemical parameters. Targeting a specific functional group from the many that may be available on the protein's surface, let alone a single moiety on a specific residue among many near- identical copies, is a tall order. READ MORE.... PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol.05-Issue.31-August 2024 Protein Functionalization in Food thermal During extraction and food processing, proteins can be modified in multiple ways. Physical modifications (for example treatment) and chemical modifications (for example ingredient interactions) can not only influence each other but also significantly affect the structural properties and functionality of proteins. To obtain pure proteins or to design food products that contain (added) proteins, it is necessary to separate from unwanted proteins and non-protein components present in the starting material. With variations that depend on the process of producing bifunctional protein hydrolysates and peptides involves extracting crude proteins from the protein source using aqueous or organic solvents and centrifuging the extract to further purify and separate the isolated proteins from unwanted and often insoluble non-protein materials. the protein raw material, the desired protein food proteins typically from Sources of Food Proteins 1. Conventional Plants: Food proteins and their component bioactive peptides have been isolated from a variety of plant foods. The wide distribution and heterogeneity of the plant protein sources not only demonstrate the structural diversity, abundance, and diverse origins of plant food proteins but also the enormous potential for isolating novel peptides with various important bioactive properties from these plant protein sources. Animals: Animal proteins are an important and often essential component of various food products where their physicochemical and biological characteristics serve to enhance the nutritional, organoleptic, and even health- promoting properties of those foods. 2. Novel feed, recent insects concerns for both food and insects, or entomophagy, Insects: Although the heightened demand for high-quality food proteins and growing food security years have in contributed to the increased use of proteins from the is consumption of hardly a novel idea given that insects were a part of the diet of the evolutionary precursors of humans. Algae: Factors contributing to the growing use of algae include their relative ease of cultivation even on non-arable sunlight utilization efficiency and capacity to be grown using seawater and on residual nutrients. Apart from their protein content, algae are known to contain substantial amounts of other nutrients such as B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Proteins from algal sources have also been used to produce health-promoting bioactive peptides. lands, high Conclusion Although the use of emerging green technology for to enjoy growing continues food processing popularity, there increase efforts is a need to towards scaling up reported beneficial results. It is also important to understand the mechanisms by which the alteration of protein structure results in functional changes. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION FOOD INDUSTRY INDUSTRY BUZZ A powerful committee has been established to modernize research efforts at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. its the unique The Indian government periodically forms expert committees to evaluate the research activities of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and provide recommendations for research outcomes. Regional committees improving comprising state government officials and ICAR research institutes meet regularly to discuss and address farmers' issues and challenges. ICAR conducts location-specific research based on conditions, collaborating with State Agricultural Universities to address localized agricultural challenges. Moreover, ICAR focuses on promoting climate-resilient agriculture, developing drought- resistant crop varieties, and implementing sustainable farming techniques. Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) play a crucial role in providing district-level research, training, and extension services, demonstrating and transferring developed agricultural technologies to farmers. climatic and geographical India's Olympic victory is celebrated with chocolate medals from EatSure. EatSure, the flagship direct-to-consumer platform of Rebel Foods, recently launched a special initiative to celebrate India's recent Olympic achievements. This initiative aimed to encapsulate the phrase "Aaj Meetha Toh Banta Hai" and honor the athletes' hard work and dedication. Medal-shaped chocolates were sent with every order from EatSure's 200+ kitchens nationwide as a token of appreciation for the country's athletes. Sagar Kochhar, the CEO and co-founder of Rebel Foods, expressed that this initiative aimed to share the joy of the athletes' accomplishments with every EatSure customer. By including medal-shaped chocolates with every order, EatSure aimed to celebrate the commitment and spirit of the athletes and spread the joy to millions of people. This gesture follows the success of the Dahi Cheeni campaign during the T20 World Cup and underscores EatSure's commitment to celebrating significant national achievements. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Heavy metals, including lead, found in many dark chocolate bars, research shows Announcement of combination between Lotte India and Havmor with a sales target of Rs 6K cr from George Washington University recently Researchers conducted a study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Nutrition, examining over 70 dark chocolate products from retailers such as Whole Foods Market, Amazon, and GNC for the presence of heavy metals. They found that 43% of the products exceeded acceptable lead levels, and 35% exceeded cadmium levels based on California's limits. Leigh Frame, the lead author of the study, highlighted that the FDA lacks set limits on heavy metals in most foods, prompting researchers to use California's regulations as a safety standard. The study also revealed that some chocolate samples had daily exposure levels ranging from 0 to 3.316 micrograms, exceeding the recommended 0.5 microgram daily threshold set by California for heavy metals in food. Notably, the FDA sets recommended consumption limits for chocolate and sugar-based candies for children, recognizing the potential health risks associated with heavy metal ingestion, especially in young consumers. Lotte Wellfood, a South Korean candy company, recently announced the merger of its Indian subsidiaries, Lotte India and Havmor Ice Cream, to create a unified entity. The combined business, known as One India, aims to achieve annual revenues of Rs 6,000 crore within six years of the completion of the merger process. The boards of directors of Lotte India and Havmor approved the merger plan on July 29. The new integrated company is slated to commence operations early next year, with the merger expected to be finalized by the latter part of the current year. In addition to the merger, Lotte Wellfood also disclosed plans to establish a new ice cream production plant for Havmor, representing the initial investment under the newly formed strategy. This strategic move is anticipated to enhance the overall presence and operations of Lotte Wellfood in the Indian market. Cup noodles will no longer be served to economy passengers on Korean Air. Due to the increased risk of burn injuries caused by turbulence and hot water used for serving ramyeon instant noodles in long-haul economy class, Korean Air has decided to discontinue this service effective August 15. The airline aims to enhance passenger safety by minimizing the potential for burn accidents. With the removal of ramyeon, Korean Air will introduce a self-service snack bar on long-haul flights, offering a variety of refreshments such as hot pockets, corn dogs, sandwiches, and pizza. This change provides passengers with more snack options while mitigating risks associated with handling boiling water and hot meals during periods of turbulence. The decision was made in response to the expected increase in turbulence incidents, and Korean Air seeks to prioritize the safety of both passengers and in these confined spaces. This modification ensures a safer and more diverse dining experience for passengers traveling in long-haul economy class.. flight attendants T HE UNION MINISTER FOR FARMERS' WELFARE AND AGRICULTURE ASSESSES KHARIF SEASON READINESS. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION WEEKS HIGHLIGHT N O N - T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 2 AUGUST HAPPY BEER DAY Cheers to the blend of chemistry and craft behind every pint.The brewing process involves more than 100 different chemical reactions.From fermentation to carbonation, every step is a precise science that creates the diverse flavors and textures of beer. T S U G U A PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION DID YOU KNOW? 1/4 2/4 T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 3/4 4/4 Fact 1 Lactose processing encompasses a series of intricate steps to extract and refine lactose from dairy sources, predominantly whey or milk. These processes often entail filtration to remove impurities, followed by evaporation and crystallization for lactose isolation. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION T S U G U A PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 2 Crafting fine pastry products requires specialized make-up equipment tailored for precise dough handling and shaping. These sophisticated machines, outfitted with adjustable rollers, cutters, and molds, ensure uniformity and consistency throughout the pastry-making process. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter T S U G U A PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 3 Food processing relies on a diverse range of materials carefully selected for their suitability and safety. Stainless steel, prized for its corrosion resistance and hygienic qualities, is extensively used in equipment fabrication. Food-grade plastics are prevalent for packaging and handling, while rubber compounds find application in sealing and gasketing. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter T S U G U A PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 4 Sieving systems play a critical role in food processing, employing various techniques to separate particles based on size and texture. These systems consist of vibrating screens or rotary sifters equipped with mesh screens of different pore sizes. Advanced designs incorporate adjustable settings for precise particle separation, ensuring product quality and consistency. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter T S U G U A PMG B U I L D W O R L D C L A S S F O O D F A C T O R I E S PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol.05-Issue.31-August 2024 PMG ENGINEERING About PMG About PMG Delivering End-to-End Engineering Design & Construction Management in Food & Beverage Industry Meeting Global Benchmarks Process Engineering I Project Management I Mechanical I Electrical I Automation I Food Safety PEOPLE DELIVERING RESULTS Safe-by-choice. First Time Quality. Maximize Value. Objectivity. Ownership. Reliable and Trustworthy Business. MAKING CUSTOMERS THE INDUSTRY LEADERS ENGINEERING MUST CREATE BUSINESS VALUE MEET THE EXPECTATIONS OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS OPTIMAL ENGINEERING Website Link Click Here Follow Us on
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