PMG Engineering | Build World-Class Food Factories | Newsletter | Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 25

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Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 25
Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 25
Effective workplace cleaning ensures a hygienic and safe environment by systematically removing dirt, germs, and clutter. It boosts employee productivity and reduces the risk of illnesses, creating a healthier workspace. Deep learning in the agri-food system leverages advanced algorithms to optimize crop management, enhance food quality, and improve supply chain efficiency. It enables precise predictions and automated processes, driving innovation and sustainability in agriculture. Tech-Knowledge: Your Weekly Update on the Latest Trends and Innovations in the Food & Beverage Industry! Vol .03-Issue .25-June 2024 TECH-KNOWLEDGE The Official PMG Engineering Newsletter FOOD & BEVERAGE INDUSTRY ENGINEERING & DESIGN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .25-June 2024 CONTENTS 1. WHITE PAPER 1. WHITE PAPER A. Effective Workplace cleaning A. Electrical panel B. Deep Learning in Agri-Food Systems B. Frozen Dessert 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ Latest Food Industry News Updates Latest Food Industry News Updates 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week 4. DID YOU KNOW? 4. DID YOU KNOW? Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Knowledge Knowledge 2-5 6-7 8 9-13 PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .25-June 2024 Effective Workplace cleaning Introduction Cleaning at workplace is an important part. It helps control or eliminate workplace Danger. In clean or organise workplace employee feel happy, healthy or does work with dedication. It has a direct effect on employee’s work. Its leave a good impression on Client also, visiting for meetings. Cleaning just not only about cleanliness, but it also includes keeping work area neat and clean, floor free of slip and maintaining hall and removing all the waste material. This requires paying attention on important detail such as the layout of the workplace, the adequacy of storage facilities and good housekeeping which is also a basic part of danger, incident, and fair prevention. Purpose of workplace cleaning Every worker should play a role in clean, even if that means keeping his or her own workplace clean. If the Goods place on the right place, then it will not take too much tome to finding them. If any item or goods is out of stock, then we can order on time. How we can do workplace cleaning 1. Avoid slips, trips, and falls Report to all and clean-up spills and leaks Keep exits clean of objects. For help with blind sport installing mirrors or warning. Replace as quick as much worn, ripped and damage flooring. Install anti-slip floor and use mats, platform mats 2. Dust Control and Pest Control Housekeeping improve productivity because all employee or workers work in fresh mood or stay safe or healthy and help prevent injuries and moral or decrease the illness of workers. It can help make a good impression on visitors, Safety workers’ compensation. consultant the for using compressed Vacuuming method or Use Sweeping and water wash for cleaning Blow-Down unreachable or unsafe area. Clean wall, ceiling machinery and other place regularly. Use pest control spray fog every week or month. Don’t throw waste who produce mosquito or other type of pest. air for PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol .03-Issue .25-June 2024 3. Tracking materials Avoid 7. Eliminate Fire Hazards Keep materials in the workplace which is needed for job. Unneeded material moved in relative storage. Quick burning or flammable material put on designated area away from ignition source. Don’t go close flammable liquids. Keep emergency. Don’t store any item on stairwells. If any issue is coming in electrical area, put warning or fix them on priority. in contaminating cloths with free passageways and fire door for How we can plane on Workplace Use dustbin near Desk and throw Different waste in different Dustbin. Clean desk daily, check all electric equipment on daily basis. If working in Factory, then clean all took or equipment after use. Check all machine before and after use. reduces the incident. Remove unused material or item instantly, it creates more space. Inform Immediately If notice anything wrong with electrical equipment. It Work area mats should be clean which help prevent the spread of hazardous. Use different mop for different type of dirt, like for cleaning oil, dust, water. 4. Material Store Properly. Storage should not have an accumulation of material that present hazards, fire, or pests. Maintain manufacturing floor, maintenance area, storage, or warehouse, or that area which create problem with storage. Unused equipment or material stored out of the workers reach or avoid workplace as a storage. 5. Safety falling objects Place all object in proper manner for avowing to falling on employee or workers Keep all big box or object on lower shelves and keel all equipment away from desk or table. Keep clean or empty the area where workers walking regularly. 6. Use and inspect personal protective tool Wear safety summons like safety gloves which is protected by broken glass or other harmful waist, safety clothe and shoes when work with electric equipment or Glass when doing dust’s work. Regular inspect for clean and fix tool, remove as soon as possible if find any damage on work area 7. Determine Frequency All workers should take participate, at keeping own workplace clean. If anyone seen anything which create any problem, then informed In the end of shift everyone needs to check or remove unnecessary material from workplace. least PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .25-June 2024 Deep Learning in Agri-Food Systems PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION Introduction Artificial Neural Network from (DL) itself largely benefited image, and videos is a subset of Machine Deep Learning Learning, which is a subset of Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning employs a variety of neural network (NN) architectures and algorithms for pattern recognition and data analysis. This soft computing technique is bringing revolutions in the field of data science, as it can be used to analyze huge volumes of data in all possible forms viz. text, audio, 2D/3D into meaningful insights. In recent times, the agri-food the industry has also development in this field. In food processing units, deep Learning is being implemented in machine vision systems for inline processes, quality of raw materials, and finished goods. At the farm level, deep learning technology has been successfully applied in autonomous robotic systems tasked with picking agro-commodities with desired characteristics. Deep learning is also being used to monitor vegetation using low- altitude aerial systems coupled with a wide variety of sensors for data collection. This technique is favorable over other AI tools as it is versatile with the type of input data and its performance is directly proportional to the amount of data fed. from agro, and The nature of data sourced biological systems is complex as it can vary from continuous spectral information to spatial RGB images or a combination of both. inspecting The artificial neural network (ANN) architecture is the simplest model for DL. It is a computational system composed of the systematic interconnection of many simple processing neurons operating in parallel whose function is determined by network structure, connection strengths, and the processing performed at the neurons [1]. They are designed to mimic the human brain’s nervous system, to compute sophisticated computations for a specific task. The ANN architecture comprises several layers – an input layer where the data are provided, hidden layers where classification tasks are done, and the output layer predict the output. For an ANN to predict future data, it must be trained first, further which it becomes able to predict similar patterns. The basic information processing unit of an ANN is the neuron. Convolutional Neural Network CNN is a specialized type of NN designed to be applied in computer vision tasks like image classification and object layers are the fundamental detection. Convolutional building blocks of CNNs. This layer performs an operation called a ‘convolution’. A convolution is a linear operation that involves the multiplication of a set of weights with the input. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol .03-Issue .25-June 2024 Application in the Agri-Food Systems Deep Learning in Cleaning processing equipment Cleaning processing equipment requires a lot of time and resources, including water. To address this problem, research engineers at the University of Nottingham have developed a system that uses DL to reduce cleaning time and resources by 20 – 40%. The system, which they call Self-Optimizing CIP, uses ultrasonic sensing and optical fluorescence imaging to measure food residue and microbial debris in a piece of equipment and then optimize the cleaning process [9]. Challenges in implementation general literature, to develop specialized models As opposed to the popular belief from science fiction artificial achieving intelligence is still a long journey. Till then, it is important for completing specialized tasks. Even though a fully functional model does not require any special assistance while in operation, the initial setup cost is significantly high. In terms of the complexity of the overall deep learning-enabled system in the industry, model selection is the most important step in this process. dietary assessment, implemented researchers have Several these algorithms to solve crucial problems in the food industry such as defects classification, shelf-life prediction, food grading/sorting, inspection, etc. The process of development and the forms of models that would yield from DL in the agri-food implementation system is not significantly different from those for other systems. However, information and knowledge fed to the system as input data will help to characterize the individual systems and their features. Raw materials like fruits and vegetables often have a non-visible defect in their surface, but improper storage conditions, may get due to affected and pathological disorders. For instance, plantains with preexisting internal damage conditions when stored at optimum conditions (2% O2 and 5 – 10% CO2 at 10°C, 90% RH) will bypass a trained and experienced eye. This, however, won’t be an issue if there were a machine vision system in place. infestation internal pest the by Deep Learning in Quality Control Quality control is a costly process, but a critical step in the food industry. Traditional techniques are time-consuming and hence machine vision systems are being installed for better performance. In recent times, several industries, as well as academic units, the performance of models have suitable for specialized tasks. Similarly, Vasumathi et al. [6] employed a 98.17% accurate DL technique to sort pomegranate into normal and abnormal based on the color, number of fruit spots, and shape of it. investigated fruits PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION FOOD INDUSTRY INDUSTRY BUZZ Better Juice Decreases Sugar Levels in Sorbets Frozen Foods Transform Mealtime for Parents By developing its sugar-reduction technology, Better Juice, Ltd. hopes to provide guilt-free enjoyment in ice creams and sorbets to health-conscious consumers. With this invention, fruit sorbets' sugar level can be reduced by up to 70%, resulting in healthier goods. These sorbets will be on display by Better Juice from July 15–17 at the IFT Expo in Chicago. Sorbets usually have a high sugar level because they include about 50% pureed fruit and additional sugar. Even sugar-free products include 6% to 10% sugar from fruit concentrates. With the help of non-GMO microbes, Better Juice's technology preserves vitamins and nutrients by converting into prebiotic oligosaccharides and non-digestible fibres. The brand now offers sorbets with up to 70% less sugar and 40% less calories. Flavours include apple, orange, and strawberry. fruit concentrate sugars Working parents find it difficult to juggle their demanding occupations and their families' requirements in today's hurried world. Making wholesome meals in the midst of deadlines and meetings can be stressful. Foods that are frozen give quick and simple dinner options, which is a practical answer. Fathers frequently utilise frozen snacks more than women do, according to Godrej Yummiez's "STTEM - Safety, Technology, Taste, Ease & Mood Uplifter" survey, which found that 83% of moms thought that their kids would find them convenient. By reducing the amount of time spent peeling, slicing, and cooking, frozen meals free up parents' time to spend more time with their families. Compared their nutritional worth better, keeping vitamins and minerals intact. Picky eaters and those with different dietary requirements are catered to by the assortment of frozen options, which range from veggies to whole meals. fresh vegetables, they maintain to PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION The Organic World Launches 'Back to School' Campaign with Natural, Preservative-Free Foods Global Supply Disruption Drives Edible Oil Price Surge to meet items designed children's everyday With requirements, The Organic World launched the "Back to School" programme, which aims to encourage parents to make sustainable decisions and improve the educational experience. A healthful peanut butter, naturally flavoured tofu, muesli, chemical-free eggs, and pancake mixes without preservatives are all part of the program's nutrient-dense Breakfast Range. includes traditional Indian snacks from WellBe, such as murukku, khara sev, and kodbale. These are prepared with healthy components like flaxseeds and red rice flour instead of chemicals like maida and refined oil. Every product complies with the stringent "Not In Our Aisle List" of The Organic World, which omits more than 25 dangerous chemicals and preservatives. Over 40% of all purchases in the school supplies market, which is estimated to be worth over Rs 60,000 crore, are related to education. also It Due to worldwide factors that cause price swings among different oils, the edible oil market has recently seen major price hikes. Over the last three months, the price of 10-kg quantities of cottonseed oil has increased from Rs 930 to Rs 975, soybean oil from Rs 910 to Rs 970, rice bran oil from Rs 890 to Rs 950, sunflower oil from Rs 900 to Rs 980, and mustard oil from Rs 1060 to Rs 1190. The limited supply of sunflower oil from Russia and Ukraine as a result of off-season conditions and weather effects is a significant reason for these rises. Because Ukraine is a major producer, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has also affected the world's supply of sunflower oil. Furthermore, disruptions in the supply of soybean oil due to floods in Brazil and worker strikes in Argentina have decreased exports and crushing. Geopolitical conflicts, such as the conflict between Israel and Palestine, have further disrupted supply chains, leading to problems with availability and price increases. World Food Safety Day Promotes Safe Global Health Practices From farm to fork, food safety is a crucial public health issue that involves handling, preparing, and storing food correctly to avoid foodborne infections. Particularly vulnerable populations include young people, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems. Strict food safety procedures must be put in place at every stage of the supply chain, from manufacture to consumption. With India's fast urbanisation and rising packaged food consumption, it is critical to guarantee the safety of food packaging. The Food Safety and Regulations Authority of food-grade regulations for packaging materials, particularly for components like packaging inks. These inks, which are made up of pigments, solvents, and additives, are necessary, but they may cause food contamination by transferring dangerous substances, including toluene, mineral oil, and benzophenone. Regulations highlighting the gravity of these health dangers include the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) 2021 prohibition on toluene in food packaging inks. (FSSAI) has established India T HE UNION MINISTER FOR FARMERS' WELFARE AND AGRICULTURE ASSESSES KHARIF SEASON READINESS. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION N O N - T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T WEEKS HIGHLIGHT 21 JUNE SMOOTHIE DAY Sipping fruity joy, celebrating health in a glass. Happy Smoothie Day! 24 JUNE FPRALINES DAY World Pralines Day with a delightful blend of chocolate, nuts, and pure happiness! E N U J PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION DID YOU KNOW? 1/4 2/4 T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 3/4 4/4 Fact 1 Extraction tanks are pivotal in plant protein processing, facilitating the extraction of proteins from raw materials. These tanks employ various methods such as solvent extraction or aqueous extraction to separate proteins from plant matrices. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION E N U J PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 2 In plant protein processing, drying equipment is indispensable for enhancing stability and shelf life. Employing techniques such as spray drying, freeze drying, or fluidized bed drying, these machines efficiently remove moisture from protein solutions or suspensions. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter E N U J PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 3 Washing equipment for plant proteins is essential in protein processing, ensuring purity and quality. These machines utilize water or solvent-based solutions to remove impurities and undesirable components from protein-rich materials. Advanced designs optimize washing efficiency while minimizing protein loss. Precise controls maintain ideal washing parameters, resulting in high-quality protein extracts suitable for various food applications. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter E N U J PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 4 Complete plants for the production of special baked goods encompass a comprehensive array of machinery and systems tailored for every stage of the production process. From ingredient handling to mixing, shaping, baking, and packaging, these plants integrate advanced technologies and precise controls to ensure consistent quality and efficiency. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter E N U J PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 5 Individual machines for the production and processing of baked goods are tailored for specific tasks in the production line. These machines include dough mixers, dividers, rounders, proofers, ovens, and packaging machines. Advanced designs and precise controls optimize each machine's performance to ensure consistency and quality throughout the baking process. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter E N U J PMG Vol .03-Issue .25-June 2024 PMG ENGINEERING About PMG About PMG Delivering End-to-End Engineering Design & Construction Management in Food & Beverage Industry Meeting Global Benchmarks Process Engineering I Project Management I Mechanical I Electrical I Automation I Food Safety PEOPLE DELIVERING RESULTS Safe-by-choice. First Time Quality. Maximize Value. Objectivity. Ownership. Reliable and Trustworthy Business. MAKING CUSTOMERS THE INDUSTRY LEADERS ENGINEERING MUST CREATE BUSINESS VALUE MEET THE EXPECTATIONS OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS OPTIMAL ENGINEERING Website Link Click Here Follow Us on
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