PMG Engineering | Build World-Class Food Factories | Newsletter | Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 24

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Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 24
Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 24
Electrical control systems automate processes, monitor conditions, ensure hygiene, comply with standards, optimize energy use, and enhance safety in food production facilities. ICC, formed under the POSH Act, ensures workplaces are safe by addressing sexual harassment complaints, fostering a respectful environment, and enforcing compliance. Read the complete article; Stay Ahead of the Curve with Our Weekly Food-Tech Insights: Your Gateway to the Latest Innovations, Trends, and Industry Buzz! Vol .03-Issue .24-June 2024 TECH-KNOWLEDGE The Official PMG Engineering Newsletter FOOD & BEVERAGE INDUSTRY ENGINEERING & DESIGN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .24-June 2024 CONTENTS 1. WHITE PAPER 1. WHITE PAPER A. Control System in Food Industry A. Electrical panel B. Constitution of ICC Under the POSH Act B. Frozen Dessert 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ Latest Food Industry News Updates Latest Food Industry News Updates 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week 4. DID YOU KNOW? 4. DID YOU KNOW? Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Knowledge Knowledge 2-5 6-7 8 9-13 PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .24-June 2024 Control System in Food Industry Introduction A control system manages, commands directs, or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems using control loops. It can range from a single thermostat home heating controller using a controlling a domestic boiler to large industrial control systems which are used for controlling processes or machines. It is one fully integrated system that provides the synchronization of all applications and devices involved in the manufacturing process. This allows for the successful merging of information flow from the distributed control system (DCS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems so that it is available in one interface in real-time. Objective The main objective to implement control system in the food industry is to improve the economics of the process by achieving the following objectives: Reduce variation in the product quality, achieve more consistent production and maximize yield, Ensure process and product safety, Reduce manpower productivity, Reduce waste and Optimize energy efficiency and enhance operator Types Of Control Systems 1. Manual control: This type of operation depends on the skill of individual operators in knowing when and how much adjustment to make. Therefore, manual control may be used in those applications where changes in the manipulated parameter cause the process to change slowly and by a small amount. 2. Automatic Control: In automatic control, the process parameters measured by various sensors and instrumentation may be controlled by using control loops. A typical control loop consists of three basic component the Sensor: the sensor senses or measures process parameters and generate a feedback output acceptable to the controller. Controller: measurement signal with the set value. System: Finally, the system receives the control signal produced by the controller and adjusts or alters the process by bringing the measured process property to return to the set point. controller compares the PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol .03-Issue .24-June 2024 Importance of control systems in the food industry the benefit and 1. To maximize for proper execution, we need digital control systems which in save manufacturing. the organizations from costly failures 2. As the demand increases day by day, food manufacturers have increasingly adopted computer- based systems for process control. This is primarily due to data accessibility y, application flexibility, and low cost provided by microprocessor technology to ensure adequate reliability. 3. Control system validation also ensures the proper operation of equipment under normal and abnormal conditions. Validation helps to assure product safety as well as the safety of manpower working in the factory. Types Of Control Systems To ensure the correct action some guidelines & standards should be followed for the computer- controlled systems: The FDA Perspective: DA defines validation as “the establishment of documented evidence, which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined and quality attributes” (FDA, 1987a). specifications the concept of control system FDA promotes validation as a part of process validation within the food industry and has established some inspectional guidelines. which states that all food needs to be produced in such a way as to make sure that it has “prepared, packed, or held under not been insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health.” Technology used Nowadays “big data” approach to the whole food supply chain (from farm to fork), would improve production efficiency and security and enable a new level of traceability in short, one of the most important lessons of the industrial revolution – the digital one – is that data is not a by-product, it is real added value and should be considered as the automation unique selling point. To cope with the extremely scenario, a significant step-change in reducing food processing costs while increasing food quality and security is urgently needed. In this context, systematic use of automated & control systems with fully integrated digitized process control would facilitate a major food manufacturing efficiency, advancement delivering significantly reduced production costs whilst food waste. lowering energy requirements and complex and variable in PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .24-June 2024 Constitution of ICC Under the POSH Act PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION Introduction Criteria for Membership of ICC is free that secure workplace The POSH Act (Policy for prevention of Sexual harassment) is implemented to give women a safe and from exploitation. The act is imposed to make women feel secure by preventing, prohibiting, and redressing the occurrence of sexual harassment at the workplace. The majority of women do not even report sexual harassment it is because of either being unaware of their rights or sometimes due to fear of losing their job. Under this POSH Act, an employer is required to comply with certain requirements. Requirement to Constitute ICC Under the POSH act, in all workplaces with 10 or more employees, it is mandatory to have an internal complaints committee (ICC). This Committee is to be formed by both Private as well as Public Organizations. The woman has to speak to the (ICC) to file a complaint relating to sexual harassment. After receiving the complaint from the woman, the committee investigates the matter and accordingly makes recommendations. An ICC constituted by an employer should comprise three categories of members, with certain eligibility criteria as follows: 1. Presiding Officer: This must be a senior the organization she will also be the chairperson of the internal complaints committee. female employee of 2. One External Member: The person must be from an NGO or Association committed to look after the cause of women and issues related to sexual harassment. This provision has been carried forward from the Vishakha Guidelines wherein the supreme court has implemented such requirements. The reason behind this clause is that there must be transparency and woman can speak freely without any pressure. 3. Two Employee Members: These members must be aware of general issues and problems to the cause of women or must have some legal knowledge on related matters. These members are not mandatory as it may not be easy to find such employees. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol .03-Issue .24-June 2024 Disqualification of Members Conclusion 1. Disclosure of Confidential Information: If a member reveals the details of matters which are required to keep confidential under the POSH Act then he/she can be disqualified. If the member discloses any one of these: About the complaint submitted to an ICC. Identity of the complaint and or/the respondent or witness. Details of inquiry proceeding Recommendations of committee The action was taken by the employer the sexual harassment 2. Conviction or Inquiry: If any inquiry is pending against the ICC member law, then the regarding any offense under any member will be disqualified. 3. Found Guilty: Similarly: If a member of the ICC is found guilty, or any legal is pending against such a person then also he/ she will be liable to disqualification. The POSH Act says that if an employer fails to constitute an ICC it is a punishable offense with a fine for an amount up to Rupees Fifty Thousand. Further, an employer found doing the same offense again second time may be punishable with a fine for liable. For twice such amount, as well as be cancellation or non-renewal of its business licenses, registrations, or approvals by the government or local authorities. An employer should create a fair and supportive work environment that should be free from sexual harassment. All the women working there should feel safe There must be periodical awareness senior programs executives should for such initiatives and ensure that every employee working their should feel safe. in every organization. take responsibility the abused 4. Abuse of Position: If a member of the internal complaints committee their has his/her disqualification is recommended. The continued membership of such a member in the ICC will be harmful but also against the public interest. position, then PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION FOOD INDUSTRY INDUSTRY BUZZ Rs 20,000 crore, to be sanctioned under PM-KISAN ? The NLCC committee inaugural meeting at Delhi to examine pilot projects, across 11 states At a press conference, Union Minister of Agriculture, Farmers Welfare, and Rural Development Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had released the 17th instalment of roughly Rs 20,000 crore under PM-KISAN. On June 18, 2024, Modi will visit Varanasi to deliver the farmers the 17th instalment of the PM KISAN plan and to bestow certificates as Krishi Sakhis on over 30,000 self-help groups. In collaboration with the Uttar Pradesh government, the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare will oversee the event's organisation. Prominent dignitaries will be present at the ceremony, including Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the governor of Uttar Pradesh, and several other ministers. During the press conference, Shivraj Singh Chouhan expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister for giving him the charge of such a significant department. The world's largest grain storage plan's National Level its Coordination Committee (NLCC) recently conducted inaugural meeting at the Ministry of Cooperation in New Delhi. The committee examined how its pilot project, which was started in 11 states last year, was being implemented. Through the convergence of various current schemes of the (GoI), such as the Agriculture Government of Infrastructure Agricultural Marketing (AIF), Infrastructure Scheme (AMI), Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation (SMAM), Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PMFME), and so on, the plan envisions the creation of various agricultural infrastructure at PACS level, including warehouses, custom hiring centres, processing units, Fair Price Shops, and so on. The committee examined the state of its pilot project's implementation, which was started in 11 states last year. India Fund PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION "Connecting India for Safer Food"on June 21, 2024, at the India Food Safety Conclave. is holding the event Food Safety Works quickens its speed in order to establish a connection at the June 21, 2024, India Food Safety Conclave. The company in the Bengaluru International Centre, Domlur. "Connecting India for Safer Food" is the event's topic. Management of food quality and safety is an essential component of every food enterprise. Regulatory agencies, academics, food standard certifications, and food safety specialists are the main players in maintaining food safety. Food Safety Works has envisioned the first-ever India Food Safety Conclave, which will take place in Bengaluru, the birthplace of modern food start-ups, to raise awareness of these pillars. For anyone involved in food safety, including practitioners, solution providers, government officials, academicians, and thought leaders, this all-day event will offer a unique forum. Adding flavours evocative of mithai to chocolates India's chocolate consumption has increased dramatically in the last several years, with a substantial percentage of the population enjoying this decadent delicacy. According to research, six out of ten Indians had chocolate in the three months leading up to June 2023. Notably, some of them have expressed an interest in exploring new tastes. Despite this growing interest, there is still room for flavour innovation in India's chocolate sector. For instance, the innovation of US chocolate flavours is about 3.7 times greater than that of Indian chocolate. We explore the potential for flavour innovation in chocolate confections, looking at the popularity of classic Indian flavours like mithai and the rise of fruity variants. Brands may give classic treats a contemporary spin by infusing chocolates with flavours reminiscent of popular mithai, such as gulab jamun, rasgulla, and jalebi. The Union Minister for Farmers' Welfare and Agriculture assesses kharif season readiness. For the upcoming Kharif season, Union Minister of Agriculture, Farmers' Welfare, and Rural Development Shivraj Singh Chouhan has emphasised the importance of ensuring the timely availability of seeds, insecticides, and fertilisers. As he and other department officials reviewed the readiness for the kharif season 2024 at Krishi Bhawan, Chouhan gave them instructions to ensure that the crops received a high-quality supply of input materials in a timely manner. He emphasised that any supply chain constraint should be avoided at all costs since it slows seeding and affects production. To protect the farmers from any difficulties, the Minister directed the relevant department to continuously monitor and assess the situation. Chouhan expressed his satisfaction that this year's forecast for the Southwest monsoon is expected to be above average. Presentations were given on the occasion by representatives of the Indian Meteorological Department, Central Water Commission, and Department of Fertilisers. T HE UNION MINISTER FOR FARMERS' WELFARE AND AGRICULTURE ASSESSES KHARIF SEASON READINESS. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION WEEKS HIGHLIGHT N O N - T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 16 JUNE FATHER’S DAY A special time to celebrate and honor all the dads out there for their love, guidance, and support. E N U J PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T DID YOU KNOW? 1/3 2/3 Fact 1 Confectionery products derived from kernels, such as almonds or peanuts, undergo meticulous processing for quality and flavor enhancement. Following extraction, kernels are cleaned, sorted, and processed using advanced techniques like roasting or toasting to improve taste. Subsequently, they are finely ground and combined with other ingredients to create various confectionery items, ensuring desirable taste and texture. 3/3 E N U J PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/3 2/3 Fact 2 Boilers are integral components of industrial processes, responsible for generating steam or hot water through combustion or electric heating. They consist of a pressure vessel, combustion chamber, heat exchanger, and controls. Fuel, such as natural gas or oil, is burned to produce heat, which is transferred to water or steam within the heat exchanger. Boilers play a crucial role in heating, power generation, and industrial operations. . 3/3 E N U J PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 3 Horseradish, a pungent root vegetable, contains volatile oils, enzymes, and glucosinolates, imparting its characteristic flavor and aroma. Upon grating or crushing, an enzyme called myrosinase catalyzes the conversion of glucosinolates to isothiocyanates, responsible for the intense heat sensation. Horseradish is commonly used as a condiment or flavoring agent, adding a sharp and spicy taste to various dishes, sauces, and spreads.. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter E N U J PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 4 In the realm of plant-based and alternative protein sources, specialized equipment plays a pivotal role in processing. These encompass a range of machinery and systems designed for extraction, refinement, and purification processes. Tailored to specific plant materials, these may include crushers, extractors, separators, and advanced technologies like centrifugation and chromatography. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter E N U J PMG T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 Fact 5 The complete equipment for protein production encompasses a diverse range of machinery and systems meticulously designed for every stage of the production process. From extraction to purification, concentration, and drying, these systems utilize advanced technologies like chromatography, filtration, and spray drying. DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .01 Newsletter E N U J PMG Vol .03-Issue .24-June 2024 PMG ENGINEERING About PMG About PMG Delivering End-to-End Engineering Design & Construction Management in Food & Beverage Industry Meeting Global Benchmarks Process Engineering I Project Management I Mechanical I Electrical I Automation I Food Safety PEOPLE DELIVERING RESULTS Safe-by-choice. First Time Quality. Maximize Value. Objectivity. Ownership. Reliable and Trustworthy Business. MAKING CUSTOMERS THE INDUSTRY LEADERS ENGINEERING MUST CREATE BUSINESS VALUE MEET THE EXPECTATIONS OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS OPTIMAL ENGINEERING Website Link Click Here Follow Us on
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