PMG Engineering | Build World-Class Food Factories | Newsletter | Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 23

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Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 23
Tech-Knowledge June 2024 Issue 23
Crafting precision cold room solutions for food industry change rooms and ante rooms. Designs prioritize temperature consistency and hygiene, safeguarding product integrity from start to finish. Trust expertise in creating tailored environments that meet stringent industry standards, ensuring optimal freshness and safety. Read the complete article; Stay Ahead of the Curve with Our Weekly Food-Tech Insights: Your Gateway to the Latest Innovations, Trends, and Industry Buzz! Vol .03-Issue .23-June 2024 TECH-KNOWLEDGE The Official PMG Engineering Newsletter FOOD & BEVERAGE INDUSTRY ENGINEERING & DESIGN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .23-June 2024 CONTENTS 1. WHITE PAPER 1. WHITE PAPER A. Cold Room Designing and Installation A. Electrical panel B. Change Room and Ante Room in Food B. Frozen Dessert Industry 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ 2. INDUSTRY BUZZ Latest Food Industry News Updates Latest Food Industry News Updates 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT 3. WEEKS HIGHLIGHT A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week A Look Into The Main Events Of The Week 4. DID YOU KNOW? 4. DID YOU KNOW? Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Fascinating Food Facts To Expand Knowledge Knowledge 2-5 6-7 8 9 PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .23-June 2024 Cold Room Designing and Installation Introduction Production step for PUF Panel PUF Panel are made of Polyurethane which is usually between two metal sheets. PUF panels are widely used in steel structures in the present day due to their various advantages. Made as per required (thick in mm) and composite PUF sand the wall panels between Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron Sheet. PU foam of density as per your required of (40±2 kg/m3) as insulation. Pre- Painted Galvanized Iron Sheet shall have minimum coating of 4–5-micron epoxy primer and 25-micron polyester topcoat on the finish surface & 7–8- micron primer alkyl base on reverse. History of PUF Panel - Polyurethane chemistry was first studied byte German chemist, Friedrich Bayer in 1937. From In 1940, the first polyurethane produced. Types of PUF Panel 1. Single Groove: These are suitable for general purpose and application in buildings and shelters. 2. Double Groove: These are suitable for cold room and cold chamber applications, as groves helps in retaining the inside temperature via less heat transfer. 1. De - Coiling System Decoiling System is to feed the colour steel sheet (PPGI: Pre-Painted Galvanized Iron) to the sandwich panel production line continuously. 2. Roll Forming System Rolling Forming System also spelled roll-forming is a type of rolling involving the continuous bending of a long strip of sheet metal. 3. Polyurethane Foaming System Polyurethane Foaming System Polyurethane foams (often referred to as urethane foams) are prepared by the reaction of a Polyisocyanates with a polyol. 4. Double Belt Conveyor System Double Belt Conveyor System transport system for the highly flexible inter linking of different production areas. 5. Cutting System The cutting system is used for separating materials. There by a variety of materials, such as aluminium, tin, wood, ceramics or plastics etc. is a machine that 6. Cooling System The cooling system is designed to load the panels in vertical position inside a conveyor system that allow an efficient heat dispersion. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol .03-Issue .23-June 2024 7. Stacking System Stacking system is to stack the cooled sandwich panels automatically with input quantity by operator. It can be manufactured as a vacuum pad type or a mechanical lifter type. 8. Wrapping System The wrapping system as a last process in sandwich panel production line, it is necessary to prevent pollution on panel surface, rust at cut surface. Types of Cold Storage Room 1. Bulk Cold Storage Room These stores are generally used for storing a single commodity that operates on a seasonal basis for example, stores for potatoes, apples, chillies, etc 2. Multi-Purpose Cold Storage Room These are designed to store various commodities and products used throughout year and include different types of meat like lamb and chicken. 3. Frozen Food Storage Room These food stores are design with processing and freezing facilities, optional for food items such as fish, meat, poultry, dairy products and processed food and vegetables. They are typically store around a temperature of -18C, most frozen food products are stored between 0 to minus 30ºF. 4. Mini Units / Walk-in Cold Storage Room These are located at distribution centres. Walk-in cold stores can be utilised for multiple applications in and beverages, dairy & other industries for all They have a temperature range of -18 C to -22 C. the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food Installation of Cold Storage Room 1. Bottom C - Channel C - Channel used for Bottom & roof panel consist of top trapezoidal sheet with light profile. It has easy to fit male and female panel are joint supported by in built C - Channel. 2. Wall Panel PUF insulation panel for the used cold rooms. So not heat losses. Suitable for diverse application. Puf panel consists of a rigid core between two metal sheet structural boards. 3. L - Angle for Corner L - Angle Corner are used for Both panels are supported. Angles are used in various construction. Angles are most commonly used steel. 4. Roof / ceiling Panel Ceiling Puf panel are used for roof. Puf panel insulation between two metal sheets. 5. Silicon Silicon sealant for leakproof construction and for strong bonding. And not losses for heat. 6. Evaporator Unit / Indoor Unit. The evaporator coil is the component in your AC system that absorbs the heat from the air inside your home. 7. Condensate Unit / Outdoor Unit. Condensate unit mean outdoor unit for the used cold room. This generates refrigeration media. 8. Indoor & Outdoor Unit Interconnection for Copper Pipe. Indoor and outdoor unit pipe used for the refrigeration system media. interconnection copper PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .23-June 2024 Change Room and Ante Room in Food Industry PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION PROTEIN FUNCTIONALIZATION Physical/foreign matters (e.g., metal, glass, plastic, insects, dust/dirt, etc.) Chemicals disinfectants, lubricants) (e.g., allergens, cleaning agents, Spoilage/ pathogenic micro-organisms. Two levels of internal barriers are required for food, dairy, and beverages manufacturing processes: 1. Non-food production areas: The first level separates processing from non-processing areas. Food production areas should be segregated from locker rooms, non-food production areas such as canteens, utilities, boiler rooms, workshops, machinery rooms, laboratories, offices, meeting rooms, Separation should be by physical means such as walls, sufficient to prevent contamination of food production areas by pests, particulates, gases, and fumes. 2. Food production areas: The second level separates ‘high-risk’ from ‘low-risk within processing areas. Products range from low-risk – ambient stable, packaged foods. High risk includes chilled and other ready-to-eat foods. Introduction in in process technologies and The advancement engineering has made the process of scaling up a food production unit easy and cost-effective. The major concern which prevails the current scenario is the hygienic and sanitary design for a food factory and its essential premises. Change Room and Ante Room play a critical role in focus on quality and hygienic reassuring the design the lessen/nullify contamination from man-material movement. As far as possible, all employees, including senior management, production operatives, technical/ office staff, and the cleaning and maintenance operatives should enter the food manufacturing the same single areas of a the same changing and entrance and hygiene procedures. through ensures factory follow and to Requirements on Hygiene & Sanitary Practises Changeroom and Ante Room are essential requirements in reinforcing the Hygiene and Sanitary practices in any food industry. All processing operations should be carried out in such a way that the risk of contamination of the product or packaging materials by any hazard is avoided. Such hazards may include: PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION READ MORE.... Vol .03-Issue .23-June 2024 Change Room and Ante Room Ante Rom/Ante Area is through a Entrance from non-production to production areas is practiced via Change rooms. Entrance into ‘high- further Ante-room risk’ areas specifically designed for high-risk operations (Hygiene station etc.). A single one-way flow of production operations from raw materials at the beginning to finished products at the end minimizes the possibility of contamination. Functional requirement of Changing room A changing area is necessary to provide basic privacy i.e., separate areas for males and females with separate washroom facilities with proper ventilation. The basic requirements of a changing room are: Air Curtain to be provided as a barrier between external side and Change room 1.03 Self-closing doors, proper lighting, and ventilation. First aid kit to be made available. The informative boards/poster about required personal hygiene practices and fire/emergency exits to be displayed. Cross-over barrier/bench provided before entry into production area from the change room. Work clothing should be changed at the entrance of the unit and given to the laundry at the end of the day. Employees should not come to work (from home) in their work clothing nor launder their work clothing themselves. Open lockers to store outside footwear. for critical Engineering proper HVAC systems environments often involve distinct areas of room pressure control and directional airflow. An anteroom between a primary room and corridor ensures a safe airflow buffer zone between the controlled pressurized space and an unclean area. The two spaces are separated by a completely walled area with a door. However, in some applications, an ante area without walls or a door can achieve the same effect. Hygiene Stations for High-risk food processing areas Hand washing and hand disinfection devices. Sole cleaning and sole disinfection equipment. Shaft cleaning and shaft sole disinfection devices. Hand drying system. Non-contact sensor-controlled soap dispenser: liquid hand doses an adjustable amount of cleaner for hand cleaning. Non-contact sensor-controlled hand wash basin with hot water supply is activated by a sensor for an adjustable time, integrated with paper towel dispenser followed by a hand dryer. Non-contact sensor-controlled hand sanitizer dispenser for 2- hand wetting, doses an adjustable amount of disinfectant into the hands for better hygiene. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION FOOD INDUSTRY INDUSTRY BUZZ The world's largest grain storage plan, the NLCC, meets for the first time in Delhi. Foodgrain output increased by 211.00 LMT during the previous five years to 3288.52 LMT. (NLCC) conducted in The largest grain storage plan in the world's National its Level Coordination Committee inaugural meeting yesterday the Ministry of Cooperation, New Delhi. The Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperation, Dr. Ashish Kumar Bhutani, along with the Secretary of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare), Secretary (of Food and Public Distribution), Secretary of Food Processing Industries), and MD (NCDC), held the first meeting with the Food Corporation of India (FCI), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), WDRA, and other stakeholders. The committee examined how its pilot project, which was started in 11 states last year, was being implemented. Processing Enterprises Scheme (PMFME), and so on, the plan envisions the creation of various agricultural including warehouses, infrastructure at PACS custom hiring centres, processing units, Fair Price Shops, and so on. level, The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has the Third Advance Estimates of Major announced Agricultural Crops for 2023–2024. Since the previous crop year, the summer has been included in the Third Advance Estimates but separated from the Rabi season. Therefore, the Kharif, Rabi, and summer seasons are included in these advance estimates of acreage, production, and yield. The State Agricultural Statistics Authorities (SASAs) provided the information that was principally used to produce this estimate. The information obtained from remote sensing, the Weekly Crop Weather Watch Group, and other sources has been used to verify and triangulate the received data. When preparing the estimations, other factors, including mandi arrivals, price changes, historical trends, and weather conditions, are taken into account. The predicted total food grain output is 3288.52 LMT, somewhat less than the food grain production in 2022–2023 but higher than the average food grain production of 3077.52 LMT for the previous five years (2018–19 to 2022-23) by 211.00 LMT. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Farmers' and veterinarians' app for Biosecurity Solutions Biosecurity with a smartphone or tablet: Farmers and veterinarians can now swiftly and efficiently protect animals during disease outbreaks with the help of a new software developed by specialty chemicals manufacturer LANXESS. the LANXESS Biosecurity The Solutions app are specifically designed to meet the demands of farmers and veterinarians: features of following Product finder: Users may quickly and simply choose the biosecurity products that best fit their unique needs with the help of the product finder. This considers the portfolio accessible in their nation in addition to regional health and animal husbandry laws. Push notifications: Push notifications provide users with up-to-date information about disease outbreaks and their progression within their specific nation. This enables prompt action and safeguards the wellbeing of animals. The Indian Food and Beverage Association reports on the problem of fake food items. The Indian Food & Beverage Association (IFBA) has produced a thoughtful white paper titled "Spurious and Counterfeit Food Products: An Industry Perspective on Measures and Handling" in honour of World Food Safety Day on June 7, which has as its theme "Prepare for Unexpected." Nidhi Khare, secretary of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (MoCA), received the extensive report. The study reveals the widespread problems caused by food fraud, particularly with regard to phoney and counterfeit food items, and provides tactical advice and solutions to address this urgent problem. The research is incredibly insightful and meant for all parties involved, including legislators, business owners, and consumers. It pleases me that IFBA members have united to release this white paper, which takes a comprehensive approach and assigns consumers, policymakers, and businesses to work together to solve this urgent problem. The CSIR-CFTRI establishes a zero- waste campus and creates food packaging materials without plastic. The CSIR-CFTRI campus is currently zero trash. The Institute, situated in Mysuru, has created substitutes for plastic in food packaging and integrated solar power into its premises. On June 5, 2024, the world observes World Environment Day with the subject "Land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience." To commemorate the event, UN Ravi Kumar, an environmentalist and the former director of the Centre for Appropriate Rural Technologies (CART), NIE, Mysore, and Dr. Sridevi Annapurna Singh, the director of CSIR-CFTRI, planted seedlings on the campus. Environmentalist Kumar encouraged people to plant trees and care for them for future generations as the chief guest at the World Environment Day events. Half of the world's population is directly impacted by up to 40% of the planet's land being degraded, according to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. Since 2000, the frequency and length of droughts have grown by 29%; in the absence of immediate action, by 2050, droughts might affect more than 75% of the world's population. PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION WEEKS HIGHLIGHT N O N - T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T 10 JUNE NATIONAL HERB & SPICES DAY Celebrate National Herbs and Spices Day by adding vibrant flavors to your dishes. Nature’s bounty makes every meal special! E N U J PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION DID YOU KNOW? 1/3 2/3 Fact 1 T E C H N I C A L C O N T E N T Derived from domestic pigs, pork undergoes meticulous processing to ensure quality and safety. After slaughter, it undergoes rigorous inspection to meet food safety standards. Various cuts are then processed, trimmed, and packaged under hygienic conditions. Advanced smoking, or techniques marinating may be flavor enhancement. such as curing, applied for 3/3 E N U J PMG DESIGN+BUILD FOOD FACTORIES. ONE STOP ENGINEERING SOLUTION Vol .03-Issue .23-June 2024 PMG ENGINEERING About PMG About PMG Delivering End-to-End Engineering Design & Construction Management in Food & Beverage Industry Meeting Global Benchmarks Process Engineering I Project Management I Mechanical I Electrical I Automation I Food Safety PEOPLE DELIVERING RESULTS Safe-by-choice. First Time Quality. Maximize Value. Objectivity. Ownership. Reliable and Trustworthy Business. MAKING CUSTOMERS THE INDUSTRY LEADERS ENGINEERING MUST CREATE BUSINESS VALUE MEET THE EXPECTATIONS OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS OPTIMAL ENGINEERING Website Link Click Here Follow Us on
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