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Traditional Consultants vs PMG Engineering
Traditional Consultants vs PMG Engineering

It is a fact that over the past few decades, the trust of customers on consultants has eroded. While the improper quality of work by some consultants has been a contributing factor, the major reason has been customers underestimating the engineering work scope, and hence choosing consultants lacking capability. Unaware of the potential value creation and savings by good engineering, customers have chosen for lower cost of bad engineering, leading to poor quality of factory infrastructure with high operations costs and food safety issues.

We at PMG Engineering offer a completely different value proposition compared to other consultants.

  1. While traditional consultants lack a team of engineers, at PMG, we have a team comprising engineers from all engineering domains needed to build a food factory.
  2. A traditional consultant having done work in a narrow field has only domain-specific knowledge. At PMG, we have the knowledge and experience across the food processing domains, e.g. dairy, beverages, snacks, ingredients, etc., and hence can bring in novel ideas to create new benchmarks in every project.
  3. Traditional consultants generally become consultants after a long operations experience and thus lack project engineering knowledge and experience. The team at PMG has unparalleled knowledge and experience in doing projects, while supported by team members with operations experience.
  4. Traditional consultants approach new projects as a repeat of their past projects. At PMG, we have a passionate desire to build something better, that can become a new benchmark in the industry.
  5. Traditional consultants will charge low consultancy fee, to just begin with the work, but later when client is forced on matters, they will ask for higher fee. Also, they will insist on sourcing via their specific vendors with conflict of interest. At PMG, we stick to our transparent work proposal terms, while educating and enabling the customer to source from among 3 to 4 vendors for each requirement.
  6. Traditional consultants give verbal instructions and a few drawings only for formality, and in this way, they never let the project or the stakeholders be at ease. At PMG, everything we do is on Paper, we completely avoid verbal instructions, and our engineering documentation ensures, the project can move forward even in our absence.
  7. Traditional consultants, in many other ways, create high dependency by keeping open ends. While we at PMG empower clients and contractors with self-explanatory design documents.
  8. A characteristic feature of traditional consultants is that they outsource design works to other companies, which is a major quality compromise, for your project. At PMG, we do everything in-house with our full-time resources.
  9. Another major drawback is that traditional consultants would simply not take responsibility for project execution quality or timeline, or cost. They are comfortable giving a few design drawings and documents, at the customer’s loss. At PMG, we ensure that whenever we work, we take responsibility not only for engineering design but also for engineering supervision to meet project objectives of quality, timeline, and cost.
  10. Finally, traditional consultants simply lack the vision of meeting global standards. Whereas at PMG, we craft and deliver a realistic vision to match MNC quality at an affordable cost for our customers to stand out from the competition.
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